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2 Translation results for tight in Spanish

adjective | adverb

tight adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
bien cerrado, hermético; estricto, severo; tirante, tenso; apretado, ajustado, ceñido; difícil; avaro, agarrado; reñido; escaso

Example sentences of
tight adjective

  • The lid is too tight. I can't loosen it.
  • She made a tight knot in the rope.
  • Keep a tight grip on his hand when you cross the street.
  • Pull the ribbon tight and make a bow.

Synonyms of
tight adjective

Detailed synonyms for tight adjective

Tight, taut, tense significan jalado o estirado hasta el límite, o hasta el punto en que deja de haber holgura o falta de tensión.
  • Tight indica el tirar una cosa hacia otra, o estirar una cosa alrededor de otra de tal manera que la holgura desaparece totalmente o casi totalmente, o de tal manera que se produce una atadura o una restricción <a tight belt>, o bien puede connotar la idea de apretar o restringir sin piedad <found themselves in extremely tight quarters>.
    antonyms: loose
  • Taut connota el tirar una soga o una tela al límite, o al punto en que toda holgura desaparece <all the ropes were now taut>, o bien puede connotar tensión nerviosa <their nerves were taut>.
    antonyms: slack
  • Tense puede preferirse cuando se desea indicar una severa tensión física o mental <every muscle was tense> <his boss looked tense and unhappy>.
    antonyms: relaxed

tight adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bien, fuerte

Example sentences of
tight adverb

  • Is the door shut tight?
  • She screwed the cap on tight.
  • Don't close the lid so tight.
  • We were packed as tight as sardines on the bus.

Synonyms of
tight adverb

Related phrases for tight

  • run a tight ship - (figurado) manejar un lugar o grupo de manera estricta y eficiente

Reverse translation for tight

hermético  - hermetic, watertight 
estricto  - strict, severe 
severo  - harsh, severe, strict, stark 
tirante  - tense, strained, taut 
tenso  - tense, (slang) wired 
apretado  - tight, cheap, tightfisted 
ajustado  - tight, tight-fitting, close, tight 
ceñido  - tight, tight-fitting 
difícil  - difficult, hard 
avaro  - miserly, greedy 
agarrado  - cheap, stingy 
reñido  - tough, hard-fought, at odds, on bad terms 
escaso  - scarce, scant, sparse 
bien  - well, correctly, properly, right, very, quite, easily, willingly, readily 
fuerte  - strongly, tightly, hard, loudly, abundantly